Meanderings on the plague and happenstances.
In no particular order, at various levels of completeness.
“What can you do against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself, who gives your arguments a fair hearing and then simply persists in his lunacy?" - George Orwell
The 'New Zealand' Hypothesis
Churr Bro. The one in which I try to reach out to humans who I have never met in the hope to do good.
Supplement Stack
It is worrying that there is little discussion about keeping the immune system primed. Especially, as it can be done in a very cost effective way, is relatively safe and takes little effort.
‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.’ as Benjamin Franklin once said. There are a number of strategies that are available to minimise spread and infection.
It is basically going to boil down to ‘The government would like to engage in intercourse with you, but without your consent, on a daily basis and then blame you for feeling unsatisfied’ until ‘The Experts’ go back to properly following scientific protocol.
Origins and Questions
There are a number of narratives and actors in this story that are either blatantly obtuse or following a (((plan))). A work in progress, jotting down factoids.
SARS-CoV-2 and Vaccines
A dicussion on how Covid functions and the effects of the Vaccine. Gathered from a variety of sources and my attempts of understanding.
Societal Costs
Coerced vaccinations, loss of freedoms and demorilization of the people. I think this is but tip of the iceberg, as the goalposts are being moved over and over again.